Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Mahama to exempt senior citizens from paying NHIS premium


Exempting senior citizens from paying health insurance premiums in Ghana is important for several reasons:

Financial Relief: Many senior citizens in Ghana may be living on fixed incomes or pensions, making it difficult for them to afford health insurance premiums. Exempting them from these payments would provide much-needed financial relief and ensure that they can access healthcare services without facing financial barriers.

Health Equity: Older adults often have higher healthcare needs due to age-related conditions and chronic illnesses. Exempting them from health insurance premiums helps to promote health equity by ensuring that they have equal access to necessary healthcare services, regardless of their financial situation.

Social Protection: Senior citizens are a vulnerable population in Ghana, and providing them with free access to healthcare services through the NHIS can help to protect them from the financial burden of medical expenses. This policy can contribute to social protection and improve the overall well-being of older adults in the country.

Public Health Impact: Ensuring that senior citizens have access to healthcare services can have broader public health benefits. By addressing the healthcare needs of older adults, the government can help prevent the progression of diseases, reduce hospitalizations, and improve overall health outcomes for this population.

Respect for Elders: Exempting senior citizens from paying health insurance premiums reflects a cultural value of respect for elders in Ghana. This policy demonstrates a commitment to honoring and supporting older adults in the country by prioritizing their healthcare needs and well-being.

Consequently, exempting senior citizens from paying health insurance premiums in Ghana is an important policy measure that can help to improve access to healthcare services, promote health equity, provide financial relief, and demonstrate respect for older adults in the country.

It is against this background that Former President John Dramani Mahama who is also the 2024 presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress has promised to amend section 29(h) of the National Health Insurance Act, 2012 (Act 852) to enable all persons aged sixty and above to be exempt from premium payment under NHIS if elected as the next president of the Republic of Ghana.

This promise by Mahama is aimed at providing financial relief to elderly citizens in Ghana who may struggle to afford health insurance premiums.

By exempting individuals aged sixty and above from premium payments under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), Mahama hopes to ensure that this vulnerable population has access to necessary healthcare services without facing financial barriers.

Amending section 29(h) of the National Health Insurance Act, 2012 (Act 852) would require legislative action, but if Mahama is elected as president, he would likely work with the relevant stakeholders to make this change a reality. This policy proposal aligns with his broader commitment to improving healthcare access and affordability for all Ghanaians.

Mahama’s promise reflects his prioritisation of the healthcare needs of elderly citizens and his willingness to take steps to address their specific challenges.

Anthony Obeng Afrane

Knowledgeable people around the world have come to appreciate Nkrumah’s greatness.


In 2024, why do we have to convince some blockheads in Ghana? I do understand after the overthrow of the Osagyefo, people of my age group, at the time little children who found delight in jumping up and down the torn-down statues of Osagyefo Those who sang humiliating lyrics about Nkrumah. I really now, with a bit of hindsight, understand that those young kids and even the adults who jubilated after Nkrumah was overthrown. They didn’t know any better.

Even notable participants of the coup, namely Kotoka and the police boss at the time. Kotoka, it later emerged that having realised the enormous mistake they the coup-makers had made, suggested to the other members, including Afrifa to get Nkrumah back to come and continue his stuff and the rest, they say, is history. The policeman whose name has escaped me, he was interviewed by Kwesi Pratt just before he died. He told Kwesi Pratt he realized they’d made a big mistake and that Nkrumah was the best president Ghana had had.

According to historical facts, in 1963, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) reports stated that the rate at which Ghana was industrializing, by 1970, Ghana will be in a situation where they’ll have to import labour into the country to augment the local workforce. UNESCO reported or published this in just and in good faith, but this didn’t go down well with Western neocolonialists.

They argued, _”how can we allow Africans to develop and to produce their own stuff, modernize their superior traditional trade systems, and distribute to their own markets?. Afterall, part reason for the partitioning of the African continent was to create and maintain control over their very existence”

So, in the end, they had to stop the black boy Nkrumah in his storbon tracks. He was proving to be too clever. Moving forward to our times, others outside Ghana have rather come to know and understand something that

is rather too difficult for his, Osagyefo’s own people, Ghanaians to grasp. For this, some of us have decided not to continue with these endless debates about the Osagyefo. If for all these years and with a bit of hindsight, we still have to convince some Ghanaians about Nkrumah’s greatness? No, I have run out of time for such blockedheadedness.

By: Mansa Musa

President Akufo Addo Is The Worse President Ever – , Nii Tackie Anyidzaku


NDC Political and Communication Committee Member of Greater Accra, Nii Tackie Anyidzaku has stated that, President Akufo Addo’s eight years in office has made Ghanaians useless. “Ghanaians cannot afford three square meals anymore”. Mr. Anyidzaku made it clear that the unemployment rate in the country has gone high since Nana Addo’s tenure.

He said, the NPP’s Government always used the Coronavirus outbreak as an excuse but this pandemic happened almost in the whole of Africa, yet some African countries are doing well in their economy.  The NDC Political and Communication Committee Member charged Ghanaians to wise up in the coming elections. He said if the mandate is given to Dr. Bawumia, the grievances of Ghanaians will go higher than we are seeing today.

Source: Kaakyire Akwasi Yeboah

KT Hammond will not be retained as Minister of Trade and Industry if NPP Wins – Tikese to cement producer


Okay FM broadcaster Kwame Nkrumah Tikese has questioned the decision of Minister of Trade and Industry Kwabena Tahir Hammond (KT Hammond) to send away representatives of the Cement Manufacturers Association from a scheduled meeting with the Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry (GCCI).

At the Church of Christ the King, Accra, on July 20, 2024. Nkrumah Tikese questioned KT Hammond’s failure to take a more diplomatic approach to resolve the impasse between the ministry and cement manufacturers, criticizing his rather confrontational style. During the meeting with the CEO of the Chamber of Construction Industry, Nkrumah Tikese called on cement manufacturers to be patient as KT Hammond is likely not to remain as Minister of Trade after the 2024 elections.

According to him, if the NPP government remains in power, it is highly unlikely that K. T. Hammond will be retained as Minister of Trade and Industry. “He claims he could not stand up to the cement manufacturers. Has he set up a company? Has he started a business since he was born?

“Be patient and restrain yourself. He will be gone in December. I don’t think Bawumia will remain trade minister even if he wins the election, so he will step down,” he said. KT Hammond recently dominated the headlines after a viral video emerged of him dismissing members of the Cement Manufacturers Association from a meeting.

Video of the event shows Minister Hammond insisting that the cement manufacturers leave the room before the meeting begins. “I was invited by the Chamber of Construction. I was not invited by the Cement Industry Association. I was not invited by them.” Can I go to the minister?”

He explained that he had already met with the manufacturers and that the purpose of this meeting was to speak specifically with the Building Council.

Despite efforts by representatives of both associations to justify the manufacturers’ attendance, the minister said: “Either I go or they go”.

By: Mr Riddims

SSNIT OBS case: Ernest Thompson and four others have no case to answer


Four attorneys in the case of Ernest Thompson, former Director General (DG) of the Social Security and National Insurance Foundation (SSNIT), and the SSNIT Operations Business Suite (OBS), are seeking the release of their employees. According to them, after considering the prosecution of 10 witnesses who gave statements in support of the prosecution against the defendant, the defendant had still not pleaded guilty.

All five defendants said they did not submit any documents after the prosecution closed the case with 10 witnesses on July 12. Intentionally caused more than $15.3 million in financial harm to the country, including by failing to plead fault, (etc). Five individuals face a total of 29 criminal charges related to the $66 million SSNIT OBS project, which aims to transform SSNIT’s work through information and communications technology (ICT).

The other four defendants are SSNIT IT director John Hagan Mensah, and Perfect Business Systems (PBS) CEO Juliet Hassana Kramer,. The 29 charges include conspiracy to intentionally cause economic harm to the country and intentional infliction of economic harm to the country.

Mr. Thompson and Mr. Kramer pleaded not guilty to three counts under the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663), while Kramer and Afaglo also pleaded not guilty to fraud. Afaglo is accused of getting a job at SSNIT through a forged certificate and is therefore charged with possession of forged documents and presenting forged documents.

After hearing the 10 witnesses and the prosecution’s statements ended, all five defense lawyers said that they would not fight on behalf of their clients.

“My lord, it is the view of the legal team of the 1st accused (Ernest Thompson) that at the close of the evidence led by the prosecution in support of the charges against the 1st accused, a case has not been made out sufficiently to require him to open or make a defence,” Abednego Tetteh, who was holding brief for Samuel Codjoe, informed the Court.

Accordingly, “it is our view and plea that you give us the opportunity to make a submission of no case to answer.”

Counsel said, “we are emboldened by sections 173 and 174 of the Criminal and Other Offences Procedure Act 1960 (Act 30) in view of this we wish additionally to apply for the proceedings to enable us to embark on our submission of no case.”

“We therefore ask that we be given eight weeks to get the proceedings to enable us prepare our written submission of no case for the 1st accused person,” Counsel for the Ernest Thompson submitted.

Counsel for the 2nd Accused (John Hagan Mensah), while associating himself with the submissions made by Counsel for first Accused prayed for ample time to properly address the pertinent issues to the Court.

For his part, Counsel for the 3rd accused person, (Madam Juliet Hassana Kramer) – added “that section 5(2)(a) of the Practice Directions which is dated the 30th day of October, 2018 which is to the effect that at the close of the case for the prosecution the court shall on its own or on a submission of no case to answer give a reasoned decision as to whether the prosecution has, or has not led sufficient evidence against the accused as to require him or her to open his defence.”

Lawyers for Counsel for the 4th accused person, (Caleb Kwaku Afaglo) and 5th Accused (Mr Peter Hayibor) both associated themselves with submissions of Counsel of the other accused persons.

Richard Gyambiby, a Principal State Attorney, for his part said considering the volume of the evidence led so far and in the interest of justice, “I will agree with counsel for the accused persons that they are given enough time to make their application and in the same vein we also be given enough time to respond.”

*By Court*

Justice Henry Anthony Kwofie, after listening to the parties said “It is hereby ordered that the head of stores Mr. Agyei provides the required stationaries i.e. tonner and paper for the preparation of the record of proceedings in this case.”

The Court also ordered, “Registrar of the court to carry out this directive to the head of stores, Mr. Agyei.”

The Court said, “Counsel for the accused persons may file their submissions on or before 23rd of August, 2024 and the prosecution files their response in four (4) weeks upon service.”

EIB Network’s Legal Affairs Correspondent, Murtala Inusah reports that, the case will take two months and three weeks adjournment due to the legal vacation and it would be recalled on October 10 in the 2024/2025 new legal year.

By:  Mr Riddims 

Agya Koo professes love for John Mahama, reveals they have been meeting


In what may surprise many, outspoken Ghanaian actor Alex Kofi Adu, popularly known as Agya Koo, has professed love for former President John Dramani Mahama. The multitalented Kumawood icon made this revelation during a public setting at a music performance at a funeral. Addressing the crowd at the funeral grounds, Agya Koo also shared that he has been in regular contact with the National Democratic Congress flagbearer for the upcoming 2024 elections in December.

Preaching peace with his performance, Agya Koo said, “We have never had an election in Ghana before and fight. When Nana Addo is in power, I am part of the government, if Mahama also comes to power, I will be part of the government.” Disclosing his relationship with the former president, he continued, “You don’t like John Mahama more than I do. He even invited me to his home, and we sat in his hall to have conversations. Do you like him more than I do?” This confession comes after a viral video from the same funeral setting captured Agya Koo angry over some fans chanting Mahama’s name during his performance. In the video shared on X, formerly Twitter, by EDHUB, the actor stopped singing to address the attendant who shouted in support of John Mahama.

In the video, Agya Koo is seen explaining that some members of the music band are key members of the opposition NDC. However, they have all come together to form a live band and have been allowed to perform at the funeral of an NPP member. Pointing out one member of the band, Agya Koo said, “This lady used to be a teacher in the Central Region, but now she is an organizer in the NPP. The drummers you see here are also members of the NDC, but we are all doing one work and are on the same team because we are all tolerant and Ghanaians.”

In an attempt to understand the rationale behind the chant, the actor asked if elections would be held on the day of the funeral. The Ghanaian is known to be a staunch supporter of the New Patriotic Party and has actively been campaigning for it.


Mahama to provide tax reliefs for working parents with special needs children


Providing tax relief for working parents with special needs children is very important. Parents of special needs children often face higher expenses for specialized care, therapies, and support services. Tax relief can help alleviate some of these financial burdens, making it more affordable for parents to access the necessary care for their children.

Also, many parents of such children may struggle to balance work and caregiving responsibilities. By providing tax relief, the government can help parents remain in the workforce, contributing to the economy and their own financial stability.

Former President John Mahama has announced plans to provide tax reliefs for working parents with special needs children if elected the next president of Ghana in the upcoming December 7, polls. This initiative aims to help parents cover the costs of care for their children while they are at work.

Mahama has emphasized the importance of supporting families with special needs children, as they often face additional financial burdens due to the high costs of specialized care and support services. By providing tax relief, the government can help alleviate some of the financial strain on these families and ensure that their children receive the care they need.

The tax relief will be targeted specifically at working parents with special needs children, allowing them to deduct a portion of their childcare expenses from their taxable income. This will help make it more affordable for parents to access the necessary care and support services for their children, while also encouraging them to remain in the workforce.

Mahama’s proposal reflects his commitment to supporting families and ensuring that all children, regardless of their abilities, have access to the care and support they need to thrive. By providing tax relief for working parents with special needs children, the government can help alleviate financial burdens and create a more inclusive and supportive society for all.

Anthony Obeng Afrane

Mahama to expunge comprehensive sexual education from school curriculum


There are several potential disadvantages of introducing comprehensive sexual education into the school curriculum in Ghana:

Cultural and religious beliefs: Ghana is a diverse country with a range of cultural and religious beliefs. Some communities may oppose comprehensive sexual education due to cultural taboos or religious teachings that discourage discussions about sex and sexuality in schools.

Parental opposition: Some parents may feel uncomfortable with the idea of their children receiving sexual education in school, preferring to handle these discussions at home. This could lead to conflicts between parents, educators, and policymakers.

Stigma and discrimination: In a conservative society like Ghana, discussing topics related to sex and sexuality openly in schools could lead to stigma and discrimination against students who are perceived as being sexually active or LGBTQ+

As a result of some of these disadvantages Former President John Mahama who is also the 2024 presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress has announced plans to remove comprehensive sexual education from the country’s school curriculum if elected the next president. Mahama believes that such education should be the responsibility of parents and guardians, rather than schools.

In a statement, Mahama said, “I believe that the responsibility of teaching children about sexual education should lie with parents and guardians, who can provide guidance and support based on their own values and beliefs. Schools should focus on academic subjects and leave the teaching of sexual education to the home.”

Mahama’s decision has sparked debate among educators and parents in Ghana, with many supporting his stance, and believe that comprehensive sexual education exposes learners to “alien” and “Western” sexual norms and orientations, including LGBTQ+

Anthony Obeng Afrane

Mahama will expand the school feeding programme


The school feeding programme in Ghana plays a crucial role in addressing various social and economic challenges. Here are some key reasons why the programme is important:

Improved nutrition: The school feeding programme provides children with access to nutritious meals, which can help combat malnutrition and improve their overall health and well-being. Proper nutrition is essential for children’s growth and development, as well as their ability to concentrate and learn in school.

Increased school attendance and performance: By providing free meals at school, the programme helps to incentivize parents to send their children to school regularly. This can lead to increased school attendance rates and improved academic performance, as hungry children are less likely to be able to focus and learn effectively.

Poverty alleviation: The school feeding programme can help alleviate poverty by reducing the financial burden on families to provide meals for their children. This can free up resources for other basic needs, such as healthcare and education, and help break the cycle of poverty in underserved communities.

Job creation and economic development: The programme creates opportunities for local farmers and food suppliers to supply food to schools, stimulating economic activity in rural areas. This can help boost local economies and create employment opportunities for individuals involved in food production and distribution.

Social cohesion and community development: The programme creates opportunities for local farmers and food suppliers to supply food to schools, stimulating economic activity in rural areas. This can help boost local economies and create employment opportunities for individuals involved in food production and distribution.  

Overall, the school feeding programme in Ghana is a vital intervention that not only addresses immediate nutritional needs but also has far-reaching benefits for education, health, poverty reduction, and community development.

In line with these, H E. John Mahama, a 2024 presidential hopeful on the ticket of the National Democratic

Congress plans to expand the School Feeding Programme to reach more children in underserved communities if elected the next president of the Republic of Ghana.

By prioritizing the school feeding programme, Mahama aims to address issues of food insecurity and malnutrition among school-aged children in Ghana.

By Anthony Obeng Afrane

Mahama to resume universal street lighting programme


Street lighting plays a very important role in enhancing safety, security, and overall quality of life in Ghana. Here are some key reasons why street lighting is important in the country:

Safety and Security: Adequate street lighting helps to improve visibility on roads and in public spaces, reducing the risk of accidents and crimes such as theft, vandalism, and assault. Well-lit streets also make it easier for law enforcement agencies to patrol and respond to emergencies effectively.

Crime Prevention: Proper street lighting can act as a deterrent to criminal activities by increasing the visibility of potential offenders and making it easier for residents to identify suspicious behavior. Dark and poorly lit areas are often targeted by criminals, so installing street lights can help to reduce crime rates.

Economic Development: Adequate street lighting can boost economic activities by creating a safe and inviting environment for businesses to operate. Well-lit streets encourage nighttime commerce, attract tourists, and enhance the overall aesthetics of urban areas, contributing to local economic growth.

Social Interaction: Street lighting promotes community engagement and social interactions by creating well-lit public spaces for gatherings, events, and recreational activities. Residents feel safer and more comfortable walking or socializing outdoors when there is sufficient lighting in their neighborhoods.

Public Health: Proper street lighting can improve public health by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries, particularly during nighttime hours. Well-lit streets also contribute to a sense of well-being and mental health among residents, creating a more livable and vibrant urban environment.

Street lighting is, therefore, a critical infrastructure component that plays a vital role in enhancing safety,

security, and overall quality of life in Ghana. By prioritizing the installation and maintenance of street lights, the government can create a more secure and prosperous environment for its citizens.

For these reasons, Former President John Mahama has announced that if he is elected as the next president of Ghana in the upcoming polls on December 7, this year, he plans to resume the universal street lighting programme that was initiated during his previous term in office. The programme aimed to provide adequate street lighting in all communities across the country to improve safety and security for residents.

Mahama believes that proper street lighting is essential for creating a conducive environment for economic activities and social interactions, as well as reducing crime rates. He has promised to prioritize the completion of the programme and ensure that all communities have access to reliable and sustainable street lighting.

The universal street lighting programme was lauded for its positive impact on communities during Mahama’s previous term, and he is confident that resuming the programme will further enhance the quality of life for Ghanaians. If elected, Mahama is committed to fulfilling this promise and improving the infrastructure and amenities in Ghana.

By: Anthony Obeng Afrane